Diet Tips & Advice | New You Body 



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Get Sexy and Wiser using these Simple Tactics. 

Don't skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast won't help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.

Eat regular meals

Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fiber – three essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Plan your meals

Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.

The diet lets you eat all the carbohydrate packed goodness you could ever want including bread, potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies, and muffins. Of course, nothing good ever comes for free, so what is the catch? No dairy. No meat. No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Sound a little vegan?

Natural Weight Loss - 6 contributing factors you need to know about losing weight

         1.            Body Composition

·                2.            Insulin Resistance

                   3.            Insulin Resistance

                   4.            Poor Thyroid Function

         5.           Stress

         6.           Poor liver function or 'Fatty Liver'

         7.           Acid/Alkaline Balance

A good a healthcare practitioner will address the causes that are affecting you and you will find that, in no time, not only will you be achieving long term weight loss using natural weight loss methods, but your energy will increase, you will be feeling healthy and have a renewed zest for life.

1) Don't go for a diet that is very strict and difficult to continue for a long time. Many of you may rush for a super strict diet and fail. It is always better to follow a diet that you are confident of following till the very end.

2) Don't cut down on the calories to such an extent that the metabolism becomes very low. With a very low metabolism, your body will not be able to burn any fat and it will start storing the fat. We all know that cutting down on calories is essential for weight loss, but you need to do it carefully.

3) Don't try to skip a meal in order to lose weight fast. You need to understand that dieting is about eating the right food at the correct time.

4) Don't visit the gym too often and try to cover up for years of inactivity. You need to understand that you cannot lose weight overnight. The weight that you have added over several months and years will not vanish just like that.

5) Don't be over-ambitious and set very aggressive goals. It is always better to start small and gradually scale it up. Be realistic in your approach. Set small time-bound targets to start with.
New You Body Sculpting is a weight loss program that combines the best technology with the best nutrition and detox to get you real results. With our technology, we are able to target the areas of the body you want to target. Our nutrition and detox help to nourish the body, so that you don’t experience the cravings for junk food.  Go with Dr. Bobbie as she shops at Aldi's. We want to help you make better choices for you and your family.  Let's prevent disease together. Share this with anyone you think it can help.